Debbie Moore and Anna Kennedy film at Pineapple

by Pineapple
Jack, Debbie Moore and Anna Kennedy

Debbie Moore OBE joined Anna Kennedy OBE for a Sunday of filming at Pineapple Dance Studios.

The star of the day, and the subject of the filming, was Jack, a talented young performer. Jack has just started his scholarship at Pineapple Performing Arts, presented to him by school principal Maggie Paterson. Jack, Debbie Moore and Anna Kennedy Anna Kennedy posted on Instagram following the filming session:
Debbie Moore founder of @pineappledancestudios was filming today with Channel 4 talking about @pineapplearts and how proud she is of working alongside of our charity. She was chatting to Jack and I.A inspirational and lovely lady :) #autismawareness
The show, to air on Channel 4, will follow Jack's adventures and document his experiences as a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Click here for more information about ASD on the Anna Kennedy Online website.