Debbie Moore OBE joined Anna Kennedy OBE for a Sunday of filming at Pineapple Dance Studios.
The star of the day, and the subject of the filming, was Jack, a talented young performer.
Jack has just started his scholarship at
Pineapple Performing Arts, presented to him by school principal Maggie Paterson.
Anna Kennedy posted on
Instagram following the filming session:
Debbie Moore founder of @pineappledancestudios was filming today with Channel 4 talking about @pineapplearts and how proud she is of working alongside of our charity. She was chatting to Jack and I.A inspirational and lovely lady :) #autismawareness
The show, to air on Channel 4, will follow Jack's adventures and document his experiences as a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Click here for more information about ASD on the Anna Kennedy Online website.